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Real customers start with real contact details.

Dirty lists don’t deliver. Over 15% of the emails used in marketing lists are invalid. Messages to fake emails address don’t get opened and certainly don’t get read. But they do cause your messages to be flagged as SPAM. Remove the noise from your email marketing lists and focus on connecting with your real audience

Verify Email

Verify emails

Ensure that an email address actually exists in real-time without ever sending a message.

Check Phone

Check phone

Make sure a mobile phone number is real and active in real time without disturbing your contact.

Fake Bots

Block fake bots

Fake contacts increase your spend and do no good to your business. Block them before they enter your lists and automations.

Validate Fields

Validate fields

Get all the data you need about every contact. Validate records when the contact enters details or when you get the data from other tools.

Prevent Duplicates

Prevent duplicates

Automatically match new contact details with your existing contact list to avoid duplicate contact details.

Get Started

Site tracking

See what products, services, and information your contacts are most interested in. Once you know that, you can follow up to convert more customers.


Event tracking

Track more than just page views. With event tracking, you can track abandoned carts, button clicks, orders, logins, and in-app behaviors. And then follow up.

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Collect data from your stores and other tools

Once you connect Optinize with other tools, you can pull data in from other systems, physical stores, call center and BI systems. By doing so, you get a unified customer profile that let you follow up on any combination of data you have.


Yes! It’s Free!

We believe everyone deserves a fair chance.  This is why our free plan includes all of our features. Check them out…

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